Be the Best YOU
Every now and then it's good for the Lord to bring you back to your roots. Often times if we aren't careful and watchful, we can allow our eyes to lose focus of what's really important in our lives or our ministries. I'm sure Peter could attest to this, as he got out of the boat and started walking on the sea. As long as his eyes were on Jesus, he was walking on the water. But as soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink.
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm sinking. No, I haven't been sinking into the despairing waves of life or the ravages of outward sin. I've been sinking into the waters of doubt and self-pity. I've been sinking into the waves of comparison. Instead of keeping my eyes focused on Christ and His plan for my life, I've found myself focusing on the plan and mission of others. I've allowed jealousy and envy to creep into my heart, making myself vunerable to the lies of the devil.
There's no doubt that God has called many of us according to His purpose and will. It's evident that God has His hand on folks, using them mightily in these last days. But it's also appearent that God has His own plan and design for each of us. Not everyone has been called to be prominant in the world's eyes or the church's for that matter. Nevertheless, the flesh always desires such status.
Jesus taught that they who desired to be first, would be last. Just like the disciples, I've found myself murmuring about who would be the greatest. Instead of having the mind of a servant, I've worried about being exalted. Foolishly, in an attempt to size myself up, I've compared myself and ministry to others. Instead of being content with the office and function that God has blessed me with, I've often desired the "attention" that others receive. After all, I've been saved just as long or longer, that should be me up there!
One of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not covet. While I haven't been "coveting" material possessions, in my heart I've been coveting status and recognition. In a sense, I've been coveting another man's ministry. Like James and John, I've desired to sit at the right or left hand of Jesus' Glory, instead of drinking the cup of His baptism.
Jesus taught how He didn't come to be served, but to be a servant. He didn't come to earth to receive a name above all other names. He came to be a sacrifice. He LIVED His entire life just so He could DIE. While they'll never be another sacrifice needed for sin, there will always remain an example to be followed. Christ said that if any man would follow after Him, he must first deny himself and then carry his cross. We were bought with a price. That's why the bible goes on to teach that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service.
All of this means that we are to die to self. We are to die to our own wants and desires and live for God. In the garden of Gethesemene, Jesus said let not My will be done but Yours be done. We have to trust in the sovereignty of God. We have to believe that God knows the beginning from the end. We have to be confident that God has orchestrated our entire lives and only wants the best for us.
The bible says that Jesus ascended into Heaven and gave gifts to men. Some were apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and some teachers. He provided these gifts to the Body of Christ so that we all could be strengthened and edified. Later in Revelation, He taught how He had the stars in His right hand, meaning He led and directed His ministers as He saw fit.
Therefore, since we are the body of Christ, we each have a special function and purpose in God's economy. None of us should look down on another member of the body. Likewise, none of our members should look down on themselves. If I'm a foot, I shouldn't look down on myself for being a foot. If I'm a foot, I also shouldn't desire to be a hand. What sense would that make?The body already has two hands. It doesn't need another one. What it needs are two good feet that it can stand on. Even though feet are the ones that step into mud at times and get dirty, they're still needed. They may not be the most attractive part of the body but they nevertheless serve their purpose. Obviously, they're important to the Head, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Not everybody appreciates feet, but we all need them. Not everybody likes feet, but there are those who do have a foot fetish. So while I'm fretting over not being a hand, there's a spleen somewhere wishing they could be a foot.
I said all of that to say this: instead of trying to be something I'm not, something that God never called me to be, it's better for me to just be myself. Instead of trying to be like someone else's ministry, I should be content with my own. Truth be told, I won't make a good anybody else. But if I allow the Holy Spirit to shape and mold me, I can be a very good ME. There's no need to desire being something God never intended for me to be. It would be fruitless for the clay to try to mold itself. The clay has to understand its position and submit itself to the potter's authority. Therefore, just like that clay, it's better to strive to be the best ME that I can be in Christ.
So I'd like to encourage you today. Perhaps, you've been feeling inadequate or feeling like you just don't measure up. Maybe you lack some of the qualities that others have. Maybe you don't get the recognition you think you deserve. If that's the case, I'd exhort you to take your eyes off of yourself and get em focused back on Christ. Don't sink into that mind state because that's not God's plan for your life.
Maybe you wouldn't make a good this or that. Maybe you really don't have what it takes to be such and such. But regardless of all that, you do have what it takes to be YOU. God said that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Why settle being a mediocre somebody else when you can be a great YOU? Keep your eyes focused on Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. Allow the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead to live and operate inside of you. At the end of the day, you may not be just like the next man, but you'll be the best YOU!
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm sinking. No, I haven't been sinking into the despairing waves of life or the ravages of outward sin. I've been sinking into the waters of doubt and self-pity. I've been sinking into the waves of comparison. Instead of keeping my eyes focused on Christ and His plan for my life, I've found myself focusing on the plan and mission of others. I've allowed jealousy and envy to creep into my heart, making myself vunerable to the lies of the devil.
There's no doubt that God has called many of us according to His purpose and will. It's evident that God has His hand on folks, using them mightily in these last days. But it's also appearent that God has His own plan and design for each of us. Not everyone has been called to be prominant in the world's eyes or the church's for that matter. Nevertheless, the flesh always desires such status.
Jesus taught that they who desired to be first, would be last. Just like the disciples, I've found myself murmuring about who would be the greatest. Instead of having the mind of a servant, I've worried about being exalted. Foolishly, in an attempt to size myself up, I've compared myself and ministry to others. Instead of being content with the office and function that God has blessed me with, I've often desired the "attention" that others receive. After all, I've been saved just as long or longer, that should be me up there!
One of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not covet. While I haven't been "coveting" material possessions, in my heart I've been coveting status and recognition. In a sense, I've been coveting another man's ministry. Like James and John, I've desired to sit at the right or left hand of Jesus' Glory, instead of drinking the cup of His baptism.
Jesus taught how He didn't come to be served, but to be a servant. He didn't come to earth to receive a name above all other names. He came to be a sacrifice. He LIVED His entire life just so He could DIE. While they'll never be another sacrifice needed for sin, there will always remain an example to be followed. Christ said that if any man would follow after Him, he must first deny himself and then carry his cross. We were bought with a price. That's why the bible goes on to teach that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service.
All of this means that we are to die to self. We are to die to our own wants and desires and live for God. In the garden of Gethesemene, Jesus said let not My will be done but Yours be done. We have to trust in the sovereignty of God. We have to believe that God knows the beginning from the end. We have to be confident that God has orchestrated our entire lives and only wants the best for us.
The bible says that Jesus ascended into Heaven and gave gifts to men. Some were apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and some teachers. He provided these gifts to the Body of Christ so that we all could be strengthened and edified. Later in Revelation, He taught how He had the stars in His right hand, meaning He led and directed His ministers as He saw fit.
Therefore, since we are the body of Christ, we each have a special function and purpose in God's economy. None of us should look down on another member of the body. Likewise, none of our members should look down on themselves. If I'm a foot, I shouldn't look down on myself for being a foot. If I'm a foot, I also shouldn't desire to be a hand. What sense would that make?The body already has two hands. It doesn't need another one. What it needs are two good feet that it can stand on. Even though feet are the ones that step into mud at times and get dirty, they're still needed. They may not be the most attractive part of the body but they nevertheless serve their purpose. Obviously, they're important to the Head, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Not everybody appreciates feet, but we all need them. Not everybody likes feet, but there are those who do have a foot fetish. So while I'm fretting over not being a hand, there's a spleen somewhere wishing they could be a foot.
I said all of that to say this: instead of trying to be something I'm not, something that God never called me to be, it's better for me to just be myself. Instead of trying to be like someone else's ministry, I should be content with my own. Truth be told, I won't make a good anybody else. But if I allow the Holy Spirit to shape and mold me, I can be a very good ME. There's no need to desire being something God never intended for me to be. It would be fruitless for the clay to try to mold itself. The clay has to understand its position and submit itself to the potter's authority. Therefore, just like that clay, it's better to strive to be the best ME that I can be in Christ.
So I'd like to encourage you today. Perhaps, you've been feeling inadequate or feeling like you just don't measure up. Maybe you lack some of the qualities that others have. Maybe you don't get the recognition you think you deserve. If that's the case, I'd exhort you to take your eyes off of yourself and get em focused back on Christ. Don't sink into that mind state because that's not God's plan for your life.
Maybe you wouldn't make a good this or that. Maybe you really don't have what it takes to be such and such. But regardless of all that, you do have what it takes to be YOU. God said that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Why settle being a mediocre somebody else when you can be a great YOU? Keep your eyes focused on Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. Allow the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead to live and operate inside of you. At the end of the day, you may not be just like the next man, but you'll be the best YOU!
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