Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Alone with God

In the gospels we often read how Jesus left His disciples and went to a solitary place to pray. He was constantly setting apart time to spend with His Heavenly Father. It was during these times of fellowship that He gained wisdom and direction for His ministry. We as children of God must also make it a point to spend time with Him. We should never allow the normal activities of life to negatively affect our prayer lives. As a matter of fact, the everyday struggles of life should encourage us to seek God even more.

Fellowship with God should be a part of life for the believer. Jesus died on the cross so that we could have access to the Father. We do ourselves a great injustice when we neglect so great a privilege. God never gets tired of hearing our prayers. He never grows weary of us casting our cares upon Him. He enjoys it.

God always intended to have a relationship with His creation. Every since God first created Adam, He wanted to have fellowship with him. After the children of Israel left Egypt, He instructed Moses to gather an assembly of the people. Later He gave Moses plans to construct the tabernacle so His people could have a relationship with Him.

Then whenever Jesus came to Earth, the bible says the Word became flesh and dwelt (or tabernacled) among us. This was yet another example of how God wanted to have fellowship with His people.

God took the time to save us. He took the time to heal us. God took the time to deliver us. Certainly we can find the time to thank Him. Surely we can take a few minutes out of our busy lives to spend with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Have you taken time out for Him today? Have you been to your prayer closet yet today? If not, why don't you stop what you're doing and spend some quality time alone with God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna thank God for being here for me even through the loneliest moments of my life.Isomehow I know he loves me no matter what am going through.Am currently working in a job that I dont like yet I pray daily that he listens to my prayers and answer them not in favour of my likes.I have one question that never comes out of my mind?It is said that Go doesnt wanna see anyone hurt,but why did he allow Job his faithful servant to suffer so much?Everytime I open the bible it opens at this verses where Job is suffering I really wonder why?

7:58 AM  
Blogger Son of Man said...

James 1 tells us that tribulation often comes to test our faith. God graciously gives us the opportunity to approve ourselves and what we really believe. We find that such testing leads to patience. But the bible commands us to let patience have it's perfect work, meaning that we have to allow the process to be completed.

You see there's many things that God wants to implant in us. He wants us to have character, become mature in the faith and possess the attitude that we'll trust Him nomatter what. whenever you squeeze something, whatever's inside comes bursting out. well that's the same thing God does with us.

suffering is like a squeezing that God often uses to show us what's really inside of us. that's what happened with job. even though he was perfect and upright before the Lord, he still discovered that he had some character flaws that needed to be addressed. that's basically what job confessed in ch.42.

job, like the rest of us, had to learn to trust in the soveriegnty of God. we are to walk by faith and not sight. we have to remember that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to the His purpose. the devil meant it for bad, but God always uses it for good.

i hope this answered your question and i pray the Lord will give you wisdom concerning your situation and what God's purpose ultimately is. in the meantime, if you want some more explanation you may want to read the post entitled 'the God of the famine'. you can also listen to the sermon entitled 'the proper perspective' at the end of bread 'n water vol.2 at http://breadnwater.org/vol2.html. :)

12:03 PM  

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