Thursday, March 02, 2006

So you wanna be used by God?

I remember years ago when I used to pray and ask the Lord use me in a mighty way. I felt the call of God on my life concerning ministry and wanted to be a vessel and instrument for His glory. I witnessed firsthand the awesome moving of the Holy Spirit in other people's ministries and longed for the day when I would experience the Spirit operating in mine.

I believe every God-called minister has had similar aspirations at one time or another. Even the disciples, after they had been sent out, returned to Jesus and were enthusiastic over all power they experienced in their brief ministry tour . In Mark 9, Jesus informed them of His imminent death but they were too preoccupied with who would be greatest among them. On another occasion, James and John sought to sit at Jesus' right hand and left.

It's interesting how Jesus answered them. He told them they knew not what they asked. Then He inquired whether they were able to drink of the same cup that He drank and be baptized with the same baptism. When they answered yes, Jesus assured them that they would drink the same cup and be baptized with the same baptism.

Many times ministry looks like it's the place to be. We see pastors riding around in mercedes and sheperds pampered by their flocks. We see the large buildings and congregations. Oftentimes, we become intoxicated with the larger-than-life superstar status of many television preachers. As a result, we yearn for the day when the Lord "blesses" us in like fashion.

Soon actual ministry becomes second to numbers, statistics and growth. We aspire for more and more in the name of more and more. We get lost in all the hype associated with today's mega-churches. Instead of remaining enthusiastic about the ministry the Lord has given us, we become competitive. Instead of running our race, we race to see if we can become the next Peter or Paul. But let's not forget what our Lord told James and John...

The bible says they knew not what they asked. I'm sure they prayed the same prayer many of us have. I bet they sincerely wanted God to use them in a mighty way. But in the midst of their ambition, they failed to realize what was really at stake...

Today, it's not uncommon to hear people talk about wanting to be an apostle or prophet. Nowadays the church world greatly esteems such and holds these offices in high regard. But what does the Word of God say? In 1 Corinthians 4, the Apostle Paul said he and the apostles lived like they were actually last and appointed to death. He said they were reviled, persecuted, made a spectacle of, regarded as fools, weak, hungry, thirsty, naked and homeless. Many times they were beaten and imprisoned because of their ministry! Prophets often met a similar fate. Elijah ran for his life. Jeremiah often wept and John the baptist was beheaded.

However, as we travel thru the pages of holy writ, these are same individuals we consider to be "bible greats". These same men who experienced such hardships were the same men God used in a mighty way. That's why Jesus told James and John that they knew not what they asked. In their desire to be "great", they basically enlisted themselves into the army of the Lord. Now granted, the victory has already been won due to what Jesus accomplished on the cross. But that doesn't mean we won't have to fight some philistines during our tour of duty.

The Lord may very well decide to use you in a mighty way. But I wonder what battles you're gonna have to face along the way? You say you wanna be a mighty prophet like Elijah? Be prepared to face Jezebel! Wanna be a great Apostle like Peter? Get ready to be crucified upside down! But don't necessarily expect your nemesis to be some political or judicial anti-christ. Jesus said that often a man's enemies will be those of his own household. Having problems with nasty spouse or boss of yours? Congratulations! He or she may be your Herod or Ahab!

The point I'm trying to make is that all these "negative" situations are the kinds of circumstances you can expect whenever you wanna to be used of God. Glory doesn't come without a price! So you see, it's time to put up or shut up! You asked the Lord to use you like Paul. That's why you're feeling like you're shipwrecked right now!

God gave Jesus a name greater than every other name. But don't forget about how Jesus paid a price that was infinitely higher than any other person. Philippians 2 says He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. You want to be used like Christ? Well, pick up your cross and follow after Him! Be willing to drink the same cup of suffering He drank in the garden of Gethsemene. Allow your body to be baptized with the same death He experienced on Calvary!

Now don't get me wrong. Ministry is the greatest "profession" on earth! I've heard people say that a minister of the gospel would actually have to take a step down to become President! But over the years I've stopped asking the Lord to use me in a mighty fashion. I've stopped seeking to be numbered amoung the many "bible greats" in the book of hebrews hall of faith. I only desire to be used in whatever manner the Lord would have me.

I understand that the higher the calling, the higher the responsibility. I understand that the greater the anointing, the greater the trial. I'm aware that the most dangerous to the kingdom of darkness is the one the enemy will attack the most. Therefore, I'm not so quick to brag about being willing to die for Christ as Peter did, because one day it might actually become a reality! I humbly pray that the Lord use me however He sees fit and that His will be done for my life and ministry. I exhort each of you to do the same because you never know what the Lord may ask you to endure in the process.